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Sample Track 1:
"DJan Kre Bejabu" from Nu Monda (Time Square/4Q Records)
Sample Track 2:
"Nu Monda" from Nu Monda (Time Square/4Q Records)
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Nu Monda (Time Square/4Q Records)
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Concert Preview

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Star Tribune, Concert Preview >>

A 24-year-old native of Santiago, the most African of the Cape Verde islands, Tcheka has a rich, plaintive voice and a soulful lilt to his music. Unlike the doleful morna style of the island's most renowned singer, Cesaria Evora, Tcheka has adapted to guitar the sprightly field-worker rhythms ofbatuque (originally slapped out on roUed-up loincloths). His new CD, "Nu Monde" (translated as "Weeding"), is a delightful assortment of ballads and uptempo numbers. (8 p.m. today. Cedar Cultural Center, $ 18 advance, $20 door.)  06/22/07
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