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Sample Track 1:
"Tec, Peleite Zêrnju Zogtu" from Wintersongs
Sample Track 2:
"Domnulet Si Domn Din Cer" from Wintersongs
Sample Track 3:
"Alilo" from Wintersongs
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Alibi Online, CD Review >>

Aural Fixation By Jason Victor Serinus

Wintersongs (Diaphonica)

Mesmerizing Eastern European vocal music from a Berkeley based ensemble? Absolutely. Kitka was founded in 1979 by women who wished to share their passion for the "stunning dissonances, asymmetric rhythms, intricate ornamentation, lush harmonies, and resonant strength of Eastern European women's vocal music." The ensemble has since become recognized as the foremost exponent of Balkan and Slavic choral repertoire in the U.S. Wintersongs is a collection of 20 sacred and ritual songs, ranging from a pagan Latvian solstice song to Christmas/New Year songs and carols. The eclectic repertoire from Moravia, Romania Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, the Ukraine, Belarus, Israel and Greece features engaging contrasts of tempo, emotional content, and unusual harmonies. Besides two oft-heard melodies, the unfamiliarity of the selections makes them suitable for year-round enjoyment. The women's pristine vocalism and frequently haunting solos and duets display an uncommon fineness. Although not as hard-edged sounding as native Bulgarian ensembles, they do a fine job producing the nasal, dissonant singing that makes Bulgarian music so unique. Sometimes accompanied by accordion, flute, percussion, tambura and/or bouzouki, the lively numbers are infectious, and the slow, soft singing caresses the soul. Kitka immerses us in the passion and celebration at the root of all earth-centered culture. 08/19/04 >> go there
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