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Sample Track 1:
"Tive Razao" from Cru
Sample Track 2:
"Mania Do Peitao" from Cru
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Seu Jorge

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San Francisco Chronicle, Seu Jorge >>

Decent performances from Bill Murray and Owen Wilson aside, everyone knows Seu Jorge was the real star of Wes Anderson's "The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou." Wearing a red beanie and crooning endearingly weird versions of old David Bowie songs in Portuguese he was the only reason anyone sat through it twice. It turns out the part-time actor has been full-time pop star in Brazil's rough favelas for years. On his second solo album, recorded in Paris, he reaches out to the rest of the world with skeletal dance tracks ("Mania de Peitao [Large Chested ManiaJ"), dreamy ballads ("Fiore de la Citta") and the kind of extraterres trial covers (Elvis' "Don't") that ensure he steals the show off the big screen, as welL Aidin Vaziri
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