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Sample Track 1:
"Manensa Asli (Miwawa)" from Mesk Elil
Sample Track 2:
"Mahli" from Mesk Elil
Buy Recording:
Mesk Elil
Layer 2

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Evening Standard, Features >>

Make-up free, effortlessly gorgeous in jeans and heels, Massi is friendlier - and far more amusing - than her often sombre music suggests. "The first 12 months in Paris were the hardest," she says in her heavily accented English. "People were suspicious, but I still felt safer and freer. Here I have more room to express myself, to tell the truth." Her beautiful carillon-like voice and her wildly eclectic mix of North African, French and Sixties folk-rock influences (as well as country, flamenco, even heavy metal) have been deservedly praised. But there are other new, unwelcome pressures. "People want me to be a spokesperson for Muslim women," she says, her doe-eyes flashing. "It's a heavy burden. I'm non-practising. But wherever I go in the West, it is always the first thing that I'm asked about."  03/15/06
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