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Show Review

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The Telegram, Show Review >>

Laughter transcends language

The Journal Pioneer

Chuck & Albert's performance didn't end the way I expected.

During the last song of the opening night performance of their new show, the dynamic duo invited audience members to give a step or two to an upbeat Acadian fiddle tune.

Much to my surprise, my guest bolted onto the stage and step danced her heart out to thunderous applause.

That's the kind of show Chuck & Albert put on - one that had you knee slapping, gets toes tapping, hands clapping and leaves you laughing.

Chuck & Albert's music and unique brand of comedy are infectious.

They're truly masters of what they call Canada's unofficial languages - music and comedy.

It was the first time I saw the former Barachois band mates in action. Truth be told, a bilingual night of Acadian tunes usually isn't my cup of tea.

But I have to admit I was impressed by the polished show, which is made up of several skits, songs, one-liners, flips, steps, lots of music and twists.

From the acrobatic stunts of the Acadian circus to Chuck balancing a fiddle-playing and step-dancing Albert on his shoulders, the show is a fun-filled romp of music, comedy, fast-flying feet and Acadian culture.

You can tell the Arsenault lads (no relation) are comfortable with one another. You'd have to be to let someone flip you through the air!

The show opened with not a word but lots of laughs. Through their physical comedy and facial expressions, Chuck & Albert had the crowd laughing during the opening elevator scene.

There were a number of skits within the show where the duo didn't speak but generated belly laughs from the audience.

But the high-voltage show's not all about comedy.

Chuck & Albert are also phenomenal musicians.

Countless instruments were used during the performance - from the fiddle, guitar, harmonica and jaw harp to rhythm bones and even a saw and suitcase. These guys could make music with anything!

On the downside, I did find the show a little long. I felt it could have easily ran for an hour to an hour and a half without intermission, rather than two 45-minute segments with a break in between. At the end of the first act, I found myself looking at my watch. The second act was by far superior.

Overall, Chuck & Albert's new show is worth the price of admission.

But, if you're looking for an entirely English show, this one's not for you.

The duo does introduce and explain each song, all performed en français.

Overall, it was an entertaining evening and a pleasant cultural experience.

Chuck & Albert perform at Summerside's Harbourfront Theatre tonight, Aug. 5, 12 and 19.

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