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Sample Track 1:
"Stride" from Akatsuki - Kodo 30th Anniversary Special Album
Sample Track 2:
"Sora" from Akatsuki - Kodo 30th Anniversary Special Album
Layer 2

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A Special Note: Kodo: Akatsuki and North American Tour

By Robert M. Tilendis, on January 18th, 2011

Once upon a time, when I was younger and lived, possibly, more completely in the world of art than I do now, I went with some friends to Chicago’s then newly refurbished Auditorium Theater to see the Kodo Drummers, as they were known then. Now, I am someone who used to go to symphony concerts and watch the tympanist, because he was the only one on the stage actually doing anything that didn’t involve sawing or tootling — he was constantly moving, tuning his drums, getting ready for his big moment. (I like to have something to watch while I’m listening, although I have to confess I find most music videos lacking.) And so, while I wasn’t unwilling, I wasn’t expecting much from Kodo.

Blew me away.

And now Kodo is embarking on a North American tour coinciding with the release of a new album, and I strongly recommend you keep your eyes peeled for both.

 01/18/11 >> go there
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