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Joobili, Concert Pick >>

Hillside Festival
July 22 -24, 2011
Guelph, Canada
Other music, Pop, Rock

Rockin’ on the hills of Ontario, Canada since 1984 this little festival gem is all about good music, wholesome food, and outspoken artists. Music is of course the main character of this play and bands from across the musical spectrum will be present to perform in front of an eager crown. National and local bands are being promoted here, so it’s a perfect occasion to encounter both classic rock bands, and to discover rough new blood ready to be infused into the musical arena. One of the main features of this event is the emphasis put on debates regarding the music industry. Every edition hosts at least one panel on the latest issues confronting artists and music fans alike. There's also a special section dedicated to spoken word artists, a genre levitating between poetry and music, where performances generally consist of storytelling and sometimes poetry. 04/07/11 >> go there
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