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Sample Track 1:
"Tortadur" from Tortadur
Sample Track 2:
"Girya" from Tortadur
Layer 2
Album Review

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Midwest Record, Album Review >>


SEVARA NAZARKHAN/Tortadur: Even musos deep into ethnic cultures that are off our western pop radars like to make �one for me' albums. A pop star in her own right in her own place, Nazarkhan opts to let the electronics go this time and go deep into her version of roots music, from the house parties where the poets of the streets gather and let fly with sadness and hope and a mixture of both. Sounding almost liturgical, this dark sounding record will probably find it's way into the hands of Goth kids that won't understand it a lick but will be so drawn to it's moodiness their parents will probably start blasting Britney Spears at them non stop to get them to snap out of it. This is the kind of stuff you used to take vacations to out of the way places to hear.  09/06/11 >> go there
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