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Sample Track 1:
"El Alma Y El Cuerpo" from Elegancia Tropical
Sample Track 2:
"Bailar Conmigo" from Elegancia Tropical
Layer 2
Artist Mention

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NPR Music, Artist Mention >>

Yesterday afternoon I hopped in a taxi that was blasting Eritrean music. I asked the driver what the song was about, and he said the singer was telling the story of a beautiful woman he loved very much. She betrayed him, leaving him for another man, and soon came to regret that decision. But, as the singer informs her throughout the chorus, it's too late. The driver and I chuckled about how in every language and every genre songs say the same things.

Faithful listeners of Alt.Latino know Felix and I have a soft spot for romantic ballads: Felix loves his boleros and rancheras, and I have to take my Chavela Vargas in responsible doses because I tear up and become a mushy mess. But our radio friends also know I have a particular admiration for musicians who are able to move past the typical themes of love, lust and betrayal.

This week we have a lineup of fantastic new music by many of our favorite artists, from Mexican rock gods Cafe Tacvba to Colombian electronica stars Bomba Estereo and rising Guatemalan musician Gaby Moreno (you can listen to her upcoming album in its entirety here). In addition to being amazing musicians, they are all artists whose work explores the complexities of life beyond matters of the heart. In a track off their upcoming album, Cafe Tacvba sings about aging and finally loving oneself, Moreno tells an immigrant's tale and Bomba Estereo's upcoming album is the soundtrack to a spiritual journey.

What they're singing about reflects where they are in life. Cafe Tacvba frontman Ruben Albarran is 45 years old. Moreno is a young immigrant trying to make it in the U.S. And the Bomba Estereo crew has been traveling throughout the world and finding enormous success. They could all sing about love and loss, but there are other issues that are just as important to explore, and it's refreshing to hear artists talk about them so honestly. It's never too late for that.

 08/23/12 >> go there
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