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Xinhua News Agency, Feature >>

Rough translation:

25 artists performing from 16 countries will be performing in New York on the evening of October 5th. OneBeat breaks the routine of a variety of new musical forms and offers a unique "new music."

These25 artists come from various professional backgrounds involving singing, mixing, composing, lyricist, playing, multimedia production, and other fields. They will use hip-hop, jazz, rock, punk and other eclectic blends of musical styles to create a unique experience. Their combination of different types of music, singing, and performing in harmony will allow them to achieve artistic layering.

Rapper Masta Mickey from Russia said that despite singing in a different language, language was not a barrier. In the moment, the music became a common language, connecting the artists and audience through an emotional link.

Yang Fan, a music producer from China, was invited to participate in the exchange activities. She told reporters that being able to be creative so many talented individuals from so many different countries allowed her a rare experience to learn a lot about music and other cultures.

This is all part of a musical exchange initiated by a division of the U.S. State Department. New York is the second last stop of the month long program. The first two weeks, the musicians were chosen by lot to be divided into several groups. They played to their strengths, working to break the routine while co-creating and performing a variety of new pieces.

According to organizers, this project has created an opportunity for countries to interact with musicians. People around the world desire to deepen mutual understanding and cooperation. This movement enables musicians from different cultural backgrounds come together on a musical adventure to find a wide variety of creative music composition.

 10/06/13 >> go there
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