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Sample Track 1:
"Finger" from Centerstage: Artists From Abroad in American Communities
Sample Track 2:
"Zardarazir" from Centerstage: Artists From Abroad in American Communities
Sample Track 3:
"Alice" from Centerstage: Artists From Abroad in American Communities
Layer 2
Concert Pick

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NY City 1-2-3, Concert Pick >>

Poor Rich Boy: The Mast debuting Tidal Poor Rich Boy, Lahore’s underground indie rock phenomenon, plumbs the interior life of the urban middle class in a city of stark contrasts. A love of rock, metal, and blues layered with the improvisatory structures of the classical traditions of Pakistan marks the band’s songwriting, influenced by artists like Bon Iver and experimental American composers including John Cage and Harry Partch.

 06/19/14 >> go there
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