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Sample Track 1:
"Ashir Shirim (I Will Sing Songs to God)" from Ancient Echoes
Sample Track 2:
"Rannanu (Sing with Joy)" from Ancient Echoes
Sample Track 3:
"Abwoon (O Father-Mother of the Cosmos) [The Aramaic Lord's Prayer]" from Ancient Echoes
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Ancient Echoes
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Ancient Echoes (World Library Publications), the latest album from the San Antonio Vocal Arts Ensemble, is the musical equivalent of pouring old wine into old wine skins.  Ecumenically subtitled "Music From the Time of Jesus and Jerusalem's Second Temple," it collects Aramaic Prayers, Levitical Music, and Essene Chants, sets them to ancient melodies and instrumentation (ouds, guimbisis, kinnors, shabbabahs, rabbabahs, et al.), and painstakingly authenticates them in a CD booklet that's more textbook then liretto.
Admittedly, not every tin-eared inhabitant of  our world will come to such a project with ears to hear.  Those willing to give this music the time it deserves, however, will not only find the mists of time dispersing but also the realization dawning that from the burt-sienna cover art to the music's original-language lyrics (e.g., the Ten Commandments-recounting "Wa y'daber Elohim[And God Spoke]"), this album is the real soundtrack to The Passion of the Christ. 06/05/04
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