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Sample Track 1:
"Balamouk" from Live
Sample Track 2:
"Cioara" from Live
Sample Track 3:
"Danse du Sabre" from Live
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Concertline (Preview)

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Chicago Tribune, Concertline (Preview) >>

Les Yeux Noirs, Friday at HotHouse, 31 E. Balbo St., $12-15. 312-362-9707.
Now that virtually all of the world's primary musical traditions have been documented, some adventurous musicians have begun charting the stylistic byways that forked from those traditions.  This French strings, accordion, guitar and percussion sextet sheds illuminating light on the centuries old commingling of Gypsy and Jewish music that occurred throughout Eastern Europe, and Les Yeux Noirs revives that music with a striking blend of exuberance, pensive melancholy and oddly effective modern grooves.

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