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Sample Track 1:
"Cojones" from Diablo Mambo
Sample Track 2:
"Liberace Afternoon" from Diablo Mambo
Sample Track 3:
"The Devil's Dance" from Diablo Mambo
Layer 2
Album Review

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Album: Diablo Mambo   Collection: World
Artist: Cuban Cowboys   Added: 10/2010
Label: Self Release  

Album Review
Kamla Bhatt
Reviewed 2010-12-09 

Diablo Mambo by Cuban Cowboys

What happens when you mix Cubano music (think mambo, Buena Vista Social Club) with rock, punk,surf and a dash of Mo Town? You get the Cuban Cowboys, who sing in Spanglish and play a heady and hybrid kind of music that grabs your attention. 

The name Cuban Cowboys is derived from an old CIA term for a group of Cubanos that worked secretly with the US as Jorge Navarro, the lead musician of the band, describes it. A first generation Cubano Americano Navarro grew up in Florida listening to tales (often laced with bitterness) about Cuba in the pre-Castro era. 

Navarro is based in San Francisco and has an interesting background. He first trained to become a priest but dropped out of the seminary. He then went on to pursue graduate studies but left school without completing his PhD. Music was his calling in life and he certainly appears to have synthesized the two parts of his life: Cubana and Americano in this hybrid/fusion album.

Try 2, 5, 6,7, 8, and 10.

Track 1 is not FCC Clean. 

1. (Not FCC clean) Starts off like an old school rock song and within seconds that Cubano music pops in and infuses the track with its heady sound. Energetic. Fast. Song is based on personal experience. Uptempo.

2.You definitely hear the island influence in this song. Fast, peppy, upbeat. You want to do a lil jig when you hear the song.

3. Starts slow & stays that way. Personal song that talks about evil in the world etc.You get the picture, right? Don't miss the Led Zep inspired riffs in the middle and towards the end.

4.Rock infused number. Loud.

5. Rock + Cubano=potent mix. Try this one.

6. The group counts surf music as one of its influences. This is one such song. Peppy and sunny.

7. This song reminds you of those lovely tunes sung by the Buena Vista Social Club folks from Havana. 

8. Rock and Cubano combo this one. Upbeat.

9. Who comes to mind when you listen to this song? Mo Town and the Temptations from the 60s. Except the lyrics are not as innocent as those Mo Town numbers. Listen carefully.

10. Upbeat, want to listen to this punk/rock inspired Buena Vista Club kind of song. Can definitely feel and hear that sunny island sound.
 12/09/10 >> go there
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